With any relational turbulence that came up in the month of August, it’s now gone through a series of transformation (a.k.a. the good fight), and in September we prepare to enter a phase of cooperation and grace in face of new shifts and rounds of upgrades - together.
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Here’s a shortlist of astrological events in September:
9/1 Uranus Retrograde
9/1 Pluto Rx enters Capricorn
9/2 New Moon Virgo
9/3 Mars square Neptune
9/3 Venus conjunct SN
9/4 Mars enter Cancer
9/9 Mercury enter Virgo
9/14 Venus trine Jupiter
9/15 Mars square the nodes
9/17 Full Moon lunar eclipse (partial)
9/22 sun enter Libra
9/22 Venus enter Scorpio
9/29 Mars trine Saturn
First on 9/3, we have Venus conjunction South Node in Libra in the 8th house right on the heels of a Virgo New Moon in the 7th house on 9/2. This speaks to the release and transformation of old relational patterns and entering a new relational paradigm.
With Pluto retrograding in the ascendant, looking to Saturn, then Jupiter, then Mercury and Sun, we are consciously taking inventory of debts and credits in our partnerships and seeking to balance the books for the sake of the health and longevity of the relationship. And even though we tally, we tally in goodwill instead of in acrimony.
For the relationships that we have been working to improve and elevate, this is where we begin to do the work to “balance out” the karma so that it comes to an equilibrium as required by the Venus-South Node conjunction. With the Virgo New Moon just the day prior, there would be precision in the actions that we take to achieve the balance. And where we need to make amends, we would approach it with a spirit of generosity and magnanimity with Mercury in Leo in the 7th house trining Chiron in the 4th. We would not skimp on our expressions and we would make sure that our relational debts are paid in practical terms: as in actual financial remits, or providing services and resources that were promised, etc. So while the gestures are not necessarily verbal, they would be very practical and tangible.
The shadow manifestation of the Venus-SN conjunction in the 8th house with natural ruler Pluto in the ascendant would be karma imposing balance upon us - either we like it or not; and the terms being more generous toward the owed party - either we like or not.
Not many of us are saints, so it is possible to be experiencing a mix of voluntary and involuntary circumstances. Suffice to say, when opportunity presents itself to achieve a more justifiable balance from now on until Pluto re-enters Aquarius on 11/19, the suggestion here is to consciously relish the opportunities so that we can move forward into 2025 with a healthy cycle of give-and-take and positive circulation with all our partnerships and support systems.
And most importantly, when it is our turn to call in on our debts and take what is owed to us, the chart also asks of us to take openly knowing that a healthy circulation helps the world go round. The only minor caveat is that with South Node ruler Mars in 5th/6th squaring Neptune in the 2nd, the caution here is to avoid the extremes of over-giving and/or under-receiving. But this condition should subside quickly as Mars move into Cancer on 9/4 and Mercury ingress into Virgo 9/9, and then we would be a little more judicious around our resources.
Either way, for the next 2 months, be conscious about a healthy and satisfying give-and-take from all parties, and watch out for opportunities to offset any debts owed and to go into action gently so that we still honor our limits and boundaries. Remember, the point of balancing isn’t about bringing the relationships to a static equilibrium. A healthy libra scale and reciprocal relationship is one that moves fluidly and rhythmically, and is able to give and receive in increasing amounts through mutual learning and appreciation, and we enjoy the back-and-forth movement in between.
Then on 9/14, we have Venus trine Jupiter, with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, forming a grand-kite with the Sun.
This is a lovely chart to have in the middle of the month, with Venus still in the home sign of Libra (it stays there until 9/21) supporting the Jupiter expansions in making improvements around the home as it looks to Mercury in the 4th. And because Mars is in Cancer 2nd, we might expect expenses around these improvements, especially when it comes to switching out older appliances/fixtures for the new, or voluntarily upgrading any hardwares around the family sphere to assist in communications and efficiency in daily routines. This configuration between Jupiter/Mercury/Mars may not come cheap, but it is in service to the “sign of the times” as the Sun is supporting a systematic overhaul of old beliefs/subconscious routines/social habits - in preparation for the Aquarian age. And naturally, we must also upgrade the technologies around us in order to support the upgrades to our inner-paradigms in tandem.
So notice any inspirations that come up mid-month that calls for us to replace something or upgrade something. It would be things in the most practical of terms, or methods and paradigms of communication in the more abstract. Mars does square the nodes, so there may be some consideration needed to integrate the needs of the individual and the collective. But ultimately, as mercury is out of retrograde and in level-headed Virgo, if the tradeoffs are in good balance and it hits the value/timing/practicality bullseye, then go for the shifts and updates around the home and/or the daily routines that support your sense of inner-security.
By the end of the month, we have Mars trining Saturn on 9/29, and forming a grand trine with Venus in Scorpio 6th.
This speaks to a very similar theme of transforming/updating routines so that our resources and monies can be funneled toward “correct use” as defined by generational needs and shifts (in accordance to the requirements of the outer planets). You might be reorganizing your investments and joint finances at this time, or at least updating your record-keeping so that you know where you stand financially.
The good new is, as opposed to hashing out any changes with the involved parties like we had to in August, we now have the full support of our partners and we hash out the details of these changes alongside our partners as one unit. In short, previously, we had to sort out the kinks and work on rapport with people, and now, we work on the needs of the situation itself to benefit the self and the collective.
Overall, the energies of September is much calmer than August. Make good use of Venus in Libra (8/29-9/21) and the Venus-Jupiter trine on 9/14 to tally/update/reorganize with the support of the alliances that you've now gained and concretized in August. We are still going through a series of internal and external upgrades this month, so be patient and enjoy the company of those who are next to us on the ride.
Have a happy (and calmer) September ;)