As mentioned in September, October is a month of many shifts and changes where the energies are multi-directional. This is one of those months where it is once again critical to stay centered in the present moment to navigate the white-watered and white-knuckled ride. And interestingly, as chaotic and dynamic as the energies might be, there are unifying intentions and themes through the major astrological events, as we’ll see in the analysis below.
Feel free to watch the video version below, or read on:
To start, here's a short list of astrological aspects this month:
10/4 Venus trine Saturn
10/8 Venus trine Mars
10/9 Jupiter Retrograde
10/11 Pluto Direct in Capricorn
10/13 Mars square Chiron
10/13 Sun opposite Chiron
10/13 Sun trine Jupiter
10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio
10/14 Sun square Mars
10/14 Venus opposite Uranus
10/15 Venus trine Neptune
10/17 Venus enters Sagittarius
10/22 Venus trine NN
10/22 Sun enters Scorpio
10/28 Mars trine Neptune
10/28 Venus square Saturn
11/3 Mars opposite Pluto
First, on 10/11, Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn for the last time in our lives.

It goes direct within the Pluto-Uranus-Neptune minor trine configuration, with Capricorn ruler Saturn in the 12th and event chart lord Neptune on the ascendant. This spells karmic balance on the humanitarian and macro global scale. And because Saturn, the disciplinarian is in the 12th, we are looking at karmic balancing on a collective scale and being served the failing grade where our efforts have not met the evolutionary needs (as set-forth by the Pluto-Uranus-Neptune minor trine), or we get a passing grade where we have been diligent in pushing forward the next stage of personal and humanitarian progress.
Jupiter, the co-ruler of chart ascendant Pisces, sits in the third in Rx and sextile Chiron and trine the Sun. We are looking at very forthright communications where past personal affronts, or hurts and experiences of being bullied that have been stifled, can now find the right expressions and be channeled into greater awareness for the sake of others and our own reconciliation. As Mars square Chiron/Sun and oppose Pluto by sign, this can indicate actions taken to claim restitution. For some people, this can literally result in payments and settlements from disputes or court proceedings; for others, the opportunity to be seen so that the wounds can heal - along with the wounds of society.
On a macro level, this is when the marginalized can find the right outlet to be heard, so that our social/economic/humanitarian structures can make their final shifts and again “de-bone and deconstruct” outdated paradigms before Pluto enters Aquarius, when we begin to create new organizing principles that are more fluid and inclusive, and less rigid and exclusive. In other words, we are making way to begin seeking societal paradigms/power dynamics that are “beyond structure” (don’t ask me what it is, I don’t know). We see this play out on the international stage as well, and often times in unconsciousness where we reenact the drama triangle of perpetrator-victim-savior. In this case, we can end up with willful and violent retaliation as a way to seek restitution - The Mars-Pluto opposition will provoke that. I don't have enough knowledge to comment on global affairs, but on a personal level, mindfulness is called for in using this energy effectively to transform our situation and prospects, and to not undermine future wellbeing.
And on that personal scale, we all become actors under this macro script. Politically, economically, socially, professionally, and relationally, we will see that we uncannily reenact this theme of baring our wounds so that we can face it, and consciously remove the rigid structures that are inside us and actually hindered us from within (surprise - so above, as below). What we seek to remove externally, chances are, we must also take care to remove internally.
And the interesting thing is, even though communicating our vulnerability is never pleasant, we inherently understand the greater meaning in the evolution of society, as Moon in Aquarius is carrying the emotions of the collective and making headways for Pluto transformation.
So even if we’re not one for activism or social revolution, take the time for the next month to “hear” what wants to come out from the depths of our soul, and see where we can begin to shift in paradigmatic beliefs, especially around power dynamics, that no longer serve us and the world. Arrange some quiet time to reflect if possible, and be the inner-activist.
Then, Venus trines Neptune on 10/15, giving us the same theme as she looks to Pluto and Mars, essentially repeating our discussion on Pluto direct in Capricorn.

Together with Mars, the Venus-Neptune-Mars trine in the 8th-12th-4th house again indicate forces that we often times cannot control and can only respond in retrospect and introspect. These are karmic manifestations that have bear fruit and ripened at this time, ready to be revealed and seen and felt. The result of which is the time-space alignment for deeper truths to come out in the open. Some will absolutely gain monetarily because of retribution, but the evolutionary intention here is to simply reveal to one what was hidden and tucked away so it has the opportunity to be transformed.
As we head for the end of the month, on 10/28, Venus will Square Saturn.

By 10/17, Venus will be in Sagittarius to begin forming an opposition with Jupiter. This is needing to integrate practical values and solutions with deeper meaning - neither are more or less important, and both need to contain the other. So this is where the rubber meets the road. As our past wounds are revealed, how do we integrate the knowledge of healing into the reality of practical living? This chart with Saturn-Neptune square Venus by sign leaves a lot unanswered, but the Neptune-Mars trine also opens a lot of opportunities for experimentation. There is going to be a lot of stumbling and trial and errors, negotiating boundaries, stepping on each other’s toes. All of this culminates to the Mars Pluto opposition on 11/3, when we must integrate power within the divergent intentions and goals of practicality and emotionality.

For mundane astrology, we are headed into the heat of the presidential election, and many are struggling with an internal tug-of-war between the practical and the emotional. So as a PSA, I'm going to mention to please give yourself extra “padding” around your time/energy/physical boundaries during this period (i.e. give yourself more time on your commutes as anxieties and accidents may rise, leave more time to meditate and come back to center, and commit to self-care and self-compassion to build emotional resilience). Because of Mars retrograde 12/6-2/23, the Mars-Pluto opposition runs strong from 10/15 through 11/5 Election Day, through 1/20/2025 inauguration, and won’t completely go away until early-May 2025. We are going to see external sparks fly on all levels, so be extremely self-compassionate and practice returning to the inner-refuge, wherever that may be. And remember to be patient, as we are all in this energy together.
So for this month, allow your voices to be heard when you feel an evolutionary pull to do so (meaning you can feel the generational/evolutionary/developmental implications of you setting an example), and you see that the time has ripened for you to reveal your vulnerabilities through positive channels. Also, practice patience for yourself and everyone. This Mars-Pluto opposition transit is no joke, and even when we observe ourselves and others in reactivity, we can still hold the dissonance in the space of universal love and understanding for the poignancy of humanity.
Before I sign off, I want to offer a couple of sweet aspects that are available for us, including Venus trine Saturn 10/4, Venus trine Mars 10/8, and Venus trine NN 10/22. This Venus story arc points to potential support from our friends and allies that can help us move in a positive direction.

As you can see from the Venus-NN trine chart, Uranus in the ascendant is still forming a minor trine with Pluto and Neptune, bringing generational shifts, however the water trine between Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon is able to "ground and anchor" any turbulence by providing practical support from our immediate community for the karma (results of our past actions) that may arise to challenge or inconvenience us. Focus on the good, as we are truly blessed to be able to serve each other at this time. Lastly, for those of you in secure relationships, this is a great time to make love, not war. Meaning the Mars-Pluto opposition can actually help you reach new depths of intimacy in your relationship.
We’ll analyze more in November. For now: practice grounding and centering, and be safe.
Namaste ❤️