There is no lack of major events in February, so we begin with the list of noteworthy astrological events this month:
1/30 Uranus direct
2/3 Mercury trine Jupiter
2/1 Venus conjunct Neptune (and 3/27, 5/2)
2/3 Venus conjunct NN (and 4/2, 4/20)
2/4 Jupiter direct
2/18 Sun enters Pisces (start of stellium in Pisces)
2/22 NN conjunct Neptune
2/23 Mercury trine Mars
2/23 Mars direct
2/25 Mercury conjunct Saturn
2/27 New Moon in Pisces (6 planets in Pisces)
3/3 Mercury enters Aries (Pisces energy relaxes a bit, but remains until Neptune enters Aries 3/30)
Feel free to watch the video version below, or read on:
The good news is, February carries one big energy that brightens the entire month, and that is the Neptune-North Node conjunction on 2/22.* This is an amazing, once-every-16-year opportunity to literally experience a celestial download or infusion that would propel us towards the next stage in our evolution and in our lives. This is the light that we've all been waiting for in these turbulent and uncertain times.
Here are the past conjunction dates to reflect back:
Feb. 22, 2025 Neptune-NN conjunct in 28°Pisces (upcoming)
Apr. 28, 2008 Neptune-NN conjunct in 24°Aquarius
Oct. 12, 1991 Neptune-NN conjunct in 14° Capricorn
Dec. 10, 1974 Neptune-NN conjunct in 9°Sagittarius
In my own example, I can date back to 1991, when I moved from Taipei to New York briefly for a year and learned English for good. And of course this language skill changed my life.
Then in 2008, I read Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and got on the spiritual path and never looked back.
And now, in 2025, the conjunction will happen in my 4th house, signifying a new start in my home life and potentially a newfound sense of internal security (cross my fingers🤞and knock on wood 🪵).
So think back to 1974, 1991, 2008 and the corresponding Neptune-NN conjunction houses and recall what major life-changing events happened for you. These events would seem fated/destined, undeniable, and can carry energies of growth and evolution.
Here is the 2025 Neptune-NN conjunction chart:

If we look at the above chart as cast in the Pacific west coast timezone, we see that for the collective forecast, we are gaining something that is hugely practical and aiding of our daily work and personal routines in the 6th house. It could even be about new health regimes, diets, pets, coworkers, etc., but in a big way. With Saturn in the mix, we know that whatever this is, it would involve consistent and regular practice, or that work and effort would be required. And chart ascendant ruler Mercury also in the 6th house in mutual receptivity with Jupiter 9th would suggest that this conjunction comes with the ability to break down conceptual goals into practical and actionable steps, so that we can communicate the steps to others to bring the goals to fruition.
It's completely understandable that Mercury in Pisces can sometimes become loopy and absent, but because it is in receptivity with Jupiter, who is now direct in the mental clarity and communication agility of 9th house Gemini, we are actually able to explain big/complex ideas very well in common terms. Plus, Mercury is in trine with Mars in Cancer 10th, looking to Moon in Capricorn 4th, then Saturn Pisces 6th, then back to Neptune-NN conjunction: there is enough momentum and dynamism here to suggest that swift and organized action can be made to move our lives forward in a new direction.
This is indeed a NEW DIRECTION that will affect us for the next 16 years. And I am so excited for everyone and wherever 28° of Pisces fall in our charts. I know things have been turbulent, so be sure to keep an eye out for whatever good tidings and new beginnings that this Neptune-NN conjunction can bring!
I won't go into each sign placements, but has an awesome page with an interactive chart explaining each house here:
If you need to cast your birth chart, you can do it from cafe astrology too, though I find to be the simplest and most user-friendly:
So after you get your birth chart, find the house that contains 28° of Pisces , and refer back to the house meaning link above to find where you might welcome something new. Happy sleuthing!
We've had enough of not-so-great-news for the start of the year, so I will cap it right here for the February forecast to keep us focused on the positive. May the coming month be joyous and full of excitement for a new chapter in life.
*The Venus-NN conjunction 2/3 carries a similar energy mark as the NN-Neptune conjunction 2/22. But because Venus will go retrograde 3/1-4/12, the Venus-NN conjunction will happen three times and we'll analyze them as a series and story-arc in the March forecast.