I am inspired to make a list of what I love and make it simple. Real simple.
This is what I love on a worldly level -
I love exercising on the elliptical while watching youtube videos
I love shopping for clothes that fit and look great on me
I love sheer and natural makeup
I love a good hair day and adore a fabulous hair day
I love fresh-cut flowers in clear glass vase
I love porridge and spicy wontons and sushi and a great cup of hand-crafted coffee
This is what I love on a soul connection level -
I love moments like this when I'm writing and blogging away on a lovely Saturday afternoon
I love yoga sessions where I'm focusing on the here-and-now instead of where I should be
I love sparks and inspirations that flow through meditations and recording-and-listening practice
I love a good self-growth book that gives me aha-moment after aha-moment
I love sharing a range of silly to everyday to heartful conversations with friends and family
I love a nice nature walk with lots and lots of sunshine
This is what I love about this country -
I love that I live in a political system of checks and balances
I love that regardless of how I perceive our political leaders, I am guaranteed constitutional rights to take a stand on human rights, gender equality, social equality, and environmental issues
I love that I live in an area of diversity where I enjoy a mix of cultures and delicious foods
I love free speech and Berkeley and Peet's Coffee
I love that all fifty states are unique and amazing
I love that I have free will and the freedom to keep making choices to the best of my knowing
Much love to all on this Taurus SuperMoon. And so it is.