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Prayer for the New Year 2021

Writer's picture: Ilin ShiehIlin Shieh

From the bottom of my heart, here is my New Year's prayer for all of us. The cards were drawn at random for abundance and purpose. Happy New Year!

Ace of Pentacles

Glory to God, Universe, the source of all that is

I am now open to receiving new initiations, creative invitations, and clarifying insights from the highest vibrational sources to offer my services to the world. I know each moment is a new beginning with infinite potential. I surrender to the new and serendipitous fulfillment for the highest good of all.

2 of Cups

Glory to God, Universe, the source of all that is

As I open myself to authentic expressions and embrace all emotionalities, I also embrace thou and fellow humankind. I know I am well-supported and loved. I surrender to receiving all that is good and beautiful in the world. I surrender to mutuality of love.

3 of Pentacles

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

For every vision, there is a community, and I am right now surrounded by champions of light. I see talented, open-hearted, and passionate people everywhere, and I am in a harmonious dance with them. I surrender to synchronicity and co-creation for the greatest good of all.

10 of Pentacles

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

Generations before me, generations ahead of me, and all my peers are one. We are not separate. I am, because we are. Your success is a contribution to ours, and mine yours. I surrender to ever-increasing abundance and call in higher sources to bless us all in a celebration of vitality, community, and prosperity.

The Fool

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

Courage and grace be with me as I seek the higher grounds of humanity and the vibration of being. May I be of beginner’s mind, the innocence to start anew. I surrender all fears to the universal source and surrender to the path of faith. Grace and love are my guides forward. I let go and let God easily and effortlessly.

10 of Cups

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

Let me bathe in the light of joy, love, happiness, and fear not anger, sorrow, and fear itself. For all is divinity and oneness, and none in exclusion. Let me be surrendered to the flow of love and fulfillment, moment after moment, in the perfection of the Now. None too small for celebration, none too great for full appreciation and acceptance.

8 of Wands

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

May I be an instrument of change by the simple being of my soul. May I be resurrected to my true and higher purpose each and every moment and be of infinite service to universal grace and love. I am blessed to be of magnificent body, mind, and spirit. And I surrender to all the joy and happiness that come into my field of being. I bless them and surrender them all to thou, the beloved, the world.

The Star

Glory of God, Universe, the source of all that is

As I gaze upon the magnificence of the sky, I see myself reflected back at me. I am the wholeness that I see, I am the beauty that I see, and I am the mystery that I see. I surrender to a field of being that is full of brilliance and light, skill and profundity, and intuition and vision. Not my will, thy will be done.

And so it is. Namaste.


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