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Star-Weather Forecast: "The Year of Loki," 2025 Lunar New Year chart analysis

Writer's picture: Ilin ShiehIlin Shieh

Happy New Year 2025! And so now we analyze the New Moon in Aquarius chart to see where our collective consciousness lie for the new year. 

Feel free to watch the video version below, or read on:

Why Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is significant in forecasting 2025 because it tells us the collective intentions that kick in for the year, much like personal new year resolutions, except for the masses. And with focus plus time and energy through the year, intentions congeal into manifestations down the road. While subsequent New Moons can "edit" our collective intentions, the Aquarius New Moon is still potent in forecasting the main direction of our collective focus.

So here's the Aquarius New Moon 2025 (Lunar New Year) chart, January 29, 2025, 4:36AM PST:

A Year of Commerce

Right out of the gate, we know simply that finance and worldly success is on the minds of the collective. First, we see the New Moon in the 2nd house of the chart, pointing the collective consciousness to the area of personal finance and material wealth. Then, chart ascendant ruler Jupiter in the 6th is in trine with the New Moon while conjuncting Aldebaran, the star that signifies material and worldly success - we are all expanding efforts to ensure personal prosperity.

The caveat: Jupiter in Gemini is the trickster and is not above scams and underhanded tactics for transactional gains. Think Loki - he is the consummate trickster and it takes experience and multiple life lessons before he learns the value of morality. And we see the level of the cunningness as Gemini’s ruler Mercury conjuncts Pluto in the 1st house, signifying the depth of deception (think AI neural marketing) that could entrap and entrance the collective imagination.

As the South Node has freshly moved into Virgo on 1/11, it is in trine with its ruler Mercury. Ironically, there will be moralistic seduction in the messaging, and whatever the message is selling would seem to be for the greater good of humanity as North Node conjuncts Neptune and Venus in the 3rd house of communication. Another interpretation would be that the trickster themselves do not see the duplicity and potential harm behind their own messaging and truthfully believe they are operating under justifiable circumstances.

In that sense, even charities can be seen employing manipulative/false messaging and unlawful tactics for financial gains this year. The misdeeds may stay unnoticed while Jupiter transits Gemini, but Saturn never misses a karmic beat, and when he conjuncts Neptune in Aries 12th in Feb 2026, we face the fruits of our deeds and actions.

Overall, this is the year where we can encounter an expanded amount of economic opportunities. We could also be blinded by the seduction of success that we slip into the perversion or sellout of our soul.

Clever, not Crooked

As this chart shows the collective intention and not yet manifestation, there is time to augment our actions so that we align with the brighter frequencies of this chart. And that is the ability to take an opportunity and run with it with cleverness and guile, instead of deceit. Be very aware of unethical practices or even easy shortcuts that could lead to disputes with partners. We see Mars in Cancer 7th squaring Chiron Aries 4th clearly indicating defensive maneuvers from either party if given a reason. And because Mars in Cancer looks to the New Moon in Aquarius, this could signify large-scale class action lawsuits, government investigations, or IRS audits for blatant acts of legal transgressions. Just remember, Loki (of the Marvel movies) got away with subterfuge many times. But he still had to answer for all of them eventually, grapple the meaning of his existence, and use his powers for the greater good. So, yes, use this chart to market yourself, your business, your products and services up to the gray zone, then fool be you for crossing it.

Year of Fast Shifts

This is not a year of stability, but fast shifts, changes, and opportunities. We’ve left the theme of de-boning old structures and skele-growing new structures in 2024. The process was indeed slow and painful. Now with new headings and new partnerships, we are itching to move forward in the new system. But the cards are wild and unknown, and will require all of us to think on our toes and be flexible. And these rising opportunities can test our boundaries - physical and moral. Some old moral boundaries will be broken and recognized as the new norm, while other boundary crossings can bring existential crisis and chaos as we grapple the meaning of humanity, just like the developmental arc of Loki.

For example, with AI being right in the middle of the Pluto Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini mix, are we ready to call virtual reality the new reality? Do we label AI fantasy as duplicity, or harmless modern make-believe? Are we willing consumers of Loki’s illusions and deception, and where is that line between a benign trickster and the devil in disguise? All of this is the new territory that we must explore as a collective.

Political Implications

In view of the above with a political slant, we move into the territory of political propagandas on the level of George Orwell’s 1984 and the Big Brother. Pluto-Mercury in Aquarius 1st with Sagittarius ascendant in the Aquarius New Moon chart denotes potential psychological and religious manipulation of the masses. We also see Scorpio in the 11th house of government looking to the Mars-Pluto opposition in the 1st-7th axis, pointing to potential conflicts over national security and perverting the needs and rights of the individual to serve the supposed needs of the collective. This may seem far-fetched right now but the chart is unmistakably giving off this dystopian frequency - if we choose to manifest in that direction. There is a choice here.

We see Loki posing as the King here just like the Marvel movie Thor: Ragnarok. This is the year to not take things at face value, but employ discernment and put the subject to the rigors of your six-sense before you commit. And this is not limited to political circumstances, but this is a behavior that we'll see across all sectors of the economy and in all arenas of our lives. The tendency is collective.

AI Integration by 2028

FYI, AI will become dominant starting 2028, when Pluto will conjunct Aquarius New Moon with Mars-Mercury also conjunct in Aquarius signifying an impatience to integrate convenience (which translates to AI) into our every-day life. The indications for cryptocurrency and blockchain implementation in the mainstream is undeniable.

Also, Saturn will transit Taurus starting 2028 when regulatory systems might begin to take shape. And by 2032, when Uranus-Saturn conjuncts, regulations might be formally implemented. Cryptocurrency may gradually evolve into a more stable form of exchange and don a different name down the road, but the theme of decentralization in blockchain continues to move with momentum. Wherever ledgers are needed (banking, healthcare, gaming, voting, privacy & identification, etc) is where blockchain integration applies.

This progression is not for the faint of heart or the analog-minded (such as myself, an older millennial, who still remembers the pre-internet ages). It requires agility of mind and body to navigate these upcoming energies. So for the analog-ers, take good care of the physical body, and start practicing and using applied AI and get familiar with blockchain even if we don't plan to learn the engineering.

Loki and Mercury for 2025

So for the above reasons, I am naming Loki and Mercury as the mascots of 2025. We’re looking at young-people vibes with fast-paced informational exchanges, opportunities, and economic transactions. We are also looking at Loki-level manipulations/mirage/illusions that can seem sincere but underhanded. As Mercury go into retrograde 3/15-4/7, 7/18-8/11, and 11/9-11/29, be additionally vigilant around informational exchanges and marketplace transactions. I.e. be additionally careful around contracts. Check the fine print multiple times before signing contracts, and proofread your contracts multiple times before submitting them for approval.

Be clever, not deceitful - as Saturn will be anchoring karmic balance through Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2026. And Saturn always delivers, it’s just a matter of time.

Rise of Otherworldly Talents

On a brighter note, we can see many phenomenal and transcendent talents in any creative fields burst into the scene and rise into fame quickly. And as Saturn is en route to conjunct NN 4/13, this is the time when wild dreams can come into reality.

The New Moon chart shows creative forces that are truly out-of-this-world and fantastical. We have the 5th and 10th house both ruled by Venus in the 3rd conjuncting Neptune and North Node. Even if we claim to be just an ordinary existence, extraordinary talent can emerge unexpectedly under this collective chart. We can definitely use this year to explore our hidden talents and to expand our creative self-expressions. Self-publishing and personal media are no longer just for influencers. They have become a normal part of human existence that all are expected to partake as proof of evolution and integration to society. So make use of it to explore your creative range. Especially for the next generations, they are meant to see astronomical possibilities, as opposed to earthen - to lead our evolution towards new paradigms. Look forward to the extraordinary in our children.

First half of 2025: Be Agile with the Winds of Change

All of us will need to learn to "sail" through changing tides and energies this year. No matter the direction of the winds, we adjust the sails to navigate to our advantage. This can seem a little self-serving and even scheming, but that's what this Loki/Mercury year is asking us to do. At the baseline, we need some cleverness to counteract some gray maneuvers and also catch the winds of new trends and fast-paced opportunities.

And if your life is comfortable and well-settled without many pending changes, at least have a baseline vigilance. Jupiter goes into Cancer in his place of exaltation by 6/9, and Loki becomes a little more mature in the second half of the year and learns to include others in his consideration. Before then the planetary energies show a teenage Loki looking for a quick fix to financial gains and power.

Second half of 2025: Abundance of Opportunities

6/24 Sun conjunct Jupiter

7/1 Venus conjunct Uranus

8/11 Venus conjunct Jupiter

10/24 Mercury trine Jupiter

10/27 Mars trine Jupiter

11/11 Jupiter Rx trine Saturn Rx

11/16 Sun trine Jupiter

11/26 Venus trine Jupiter

Jupiter, the significator of opportunities, goes into inclusive and benevolent Cancer on 6/9. And through the second half of 2025, planets begin forming harmonious aspects with Jupiter one by one, while Saturn Rx keeps in trine with Jupiter Rx through November and December. This is a time when we begin to experience some relief as our outer and inner circumstances become more in sync with opportunities, and we're able to resonate and co-create with our goals and intentions much more powerfully, as opposed to treading water.

So not only is the second half of 2025 full of opportunities, but our ability to align ourselves with these opportunities are greater than they have been before. Make good use of it.

By Lunar New Year 2026, we are continuing the theme of commerce in 2025 and entering a year of entrepreneurial efforts. So remember this arc: 2024 was priming relationships with Venus being the mascot, 2025 we roll into commercial focus with Mercury as the mascot, then next year 2026, we R/D and birth new territories in collective and personal finance with Saturn/Neptune as co-mascots. 2026 is also when we begin to see cryptocurrency adapted into mainstream applications, meaning we are virtualizing our lives in more and more significant ways.

Have a peaceful and safe start to 2025, and refer back to EFT tapping or any other modalities to keep releasing the volatility of the Mars-Pluto opposition during the first half of 2025. We'll talk more in the February forecast.



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