a great place to sample different astrologers and styles of astrology. They routinely interview and put out videos/podcasts/courses by a variety of astrologers - from masters to newcomers offering unique perspectives. They also publish weekly and monthly astrology weathers on YouTube.
a popular website for quick astrology references such as transits, ephemeris, and simple definitions, etc. I often use the site for list of major transits and Mercury retrograde times. They are East Coast based refer to East Coast times.
an online chart casting platform that is free and user-friendly. Also free horoscopes, sample reports, and a fun color oracle that I like to play from time to time.
FCEA (Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology)
Steven Forrest offers an online certificate program for professionally oriented astrologers. I have not taken the online program, but if it is anything close to his in-person workshops (no longer offered), it would be well-taught, organized, and inspiring at the same time.
the website offers a fundamentals course taught by MASTER astrologer Rick Levine. It's not a certificate program, but really worth mentioning for those who want to learn in a systematic way but don't necessarily want to become a professional.
Other professional-grade programs
ISAR (International Society For Astrological Research)
Kepler College
[Same as above]
Monthly forecasts by a MASTER astrologer. Genius level mundane astrology forecasts that are always thought-provoking. He continues to appear on the Astrology Hub channel from time to time to cover a wide range of astrology topics. All very mind-blowing.
Weekly forecasts by a MASTER astrologer. An expert on fixed stars and asteroids as well. In between Anne's weeklies, Rick's monthlies, and Roland's Moon cycle forecasts below, I feel safe and covered :-D
New moon and Full moon forecasts by a MASTER astrologer. He uses Black Moon Lilith and Vesta frequently, and explains moon transits in detail. He also offers a comprehensive YEARLY forecast that is extremely popular and helpful.
by Jan Spiller
A simple and easy place to start deciphering one's own chart - recipe book style! Lists all the planets in their placements with digestible summaries of meaning.
by Steven Forrest
An easy reference book written by a MASTER in Evolutionary Astrology. His work carries a heavy slant towards EA interpretations, but very insightful. He has many other planet/element-focused books that are helpful to in-depth studies.
by Steven Forrest
Seminal work in the field of Evolutionary Astrology. It is THE book that has become source reference for EA astrologers. A must for those wanting to learn the significance of South Node/North Node in a chart.
Jesse Tang is probably the foremost Western Astrology authority in the Chinese-speaking world at the moment. Offers weekly, monthly, and transit forecasts. Her style leans more towards entertainment and lifestyle, but the content itself is absolutely rigorous and studied. She also offers a separate podcast (links on her YouTube) that dives into specific astrology topics in detail. A gem.
There are certainly undeniable Eurocentrism and North American-centric interpretations in most Western Astrology teachings at the moment. And we expect that. After all, it is "Western" Astrology we're talking about. Just like we wouldn't expect authorities in Chinese Astrology to be anything other than Sino-centric, we don't expect automatic cultural sensitivities in the Western system. And if we expect all astrology discourses and disseminations to be politically correct, culturally appropriate, and spiritually profound at the same time, we would be buried in semantics and lose the focus that makes astrology so magical in the first place.
For example, having my astrology foundations set by Steven Forrest's teachings, I often run into the issue of being given 70s/80s/90s North American references in his talks and books that I understand but can't completely relate. There are obvious cultural gaps between his point of reference and my own life experience. But this is my conclusion: cultural discrepancies do not diminish the usefulness of teachings and signposts. It is up to me, the next generation from a different cultural and gender group, to adapt the information to my own times and circumstances. Each generation has carried those signposts so much farther than the last, and no generation is responsible for the development of another, except to inspire. So it's up to us to be aware of cultural discrepancies and consciously adapt the teachings to our needs and circumstances in a way that is sensitive and compassionate towards our foundations and identities - cultural, political, sexual, or otherwise.
Lofty words of course and not easily implemented without sustained awareness. But the point is that we are aware and doing our best to bridge those gaps slowly and gently, with each generation. As I've heard Steven say in a workshop: trust the children. And right now, tag, we're all it (another North American reference to a children's game called "tag"), we have to roll up our sleeves and break new grounds with new paradigms for the next coming wave, just like the fore-bearers before us. It never ends. And I have to be honest: what fun, and excitement, and a privilege it is. Namaste.