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Ilin (Irene) Shieh is an intuitive, empath, astrologer, professional architect, and a life-long student of personal development and wellness. 


She has 10 years of experience as an astrologer and wellness consultant. Her astrology practice is based on life cycles and the idea of experiencing ascending octaves of being as we cycle through our individual birth chart and karma. 

She is trained in Evolutionary Astrology and versed in Western, Chinese, and Vedic astrology. 

While she utilizes astrology and metaphysics for empowerment, she is philosophically rooted in Buddhism and practices zen awareness. She is also interested in the latest neurobiology and psychology findings that inform health and healing.


She considers the triangulation of the physical, metaphysical, and spiritual essential to healing and experiencing wellness. 

In her spare time she travels, cooks, and writes. 

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